Why Should You Have an Electronic PE Seal

Submitting A Set of Plans on Time

When submitting a project on time, no matter how well we plan and budget, most will come down to the wire. There are many obstacles to overcome when submission date approaches. Large projects can especially pose a challenge.



Submission Day

It’s Friday, 4:00 pm on submission day. The package of 300 drawings have finished printing and are ready to be signed and sealed. This is the point where you grab some junior engineers or whoever else you can find and task them with stamping 300 drawings. The only issue is, they cannot sign for you. This means you are sticking around until the end.


As the engineers stamp the drawings, some notice issues with the drawing sheet count. This means some drawings must be re-printed and stamped again. Everyone now realizes it will be a late evening, so the boss orders pizza and soda. We have a few laughs over the greasy but tasty pizza and get back to work. This is the process most of us have grown accustomed to.



Government Agencies Accept Electronic Seals

Did you know some government agencies accept electronic PE stamps and signatures? Before printing out those 300 drawings next time, it might be a good idea to inquire about electronic seals and signatures.


Electronic Seals Saves Time

It can be added as a watermark on the PDF set or inserted in the Title Block of your drawing. Your project specifics will determine the best method. This will save time, effort and calories from the pizza and soda.

When using electronic seals, take the necessary precautions to ensure your seal and signature is protected.


Free Electronic PE Stamps

Electronic PE Stamps have been included in the growing CADBright Block library. Click here for free PE Stamps. They are AutoCAD blocks which you are free to download at any time.




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